The Book of Fungi

The Book of Fungi

Название:The Book of Fungi
Автор:Peter Roberts, Shelley Evans
Издатель:Ivy Press
Цена:4 077 ₽
Описание:Colourful, mysterious and frequently fantastically shaped, fungi have been a source of wonder and fascination since the earliest hunter-gatherers first foraged for them. Today there are few, if any, places on Earth where fungi have not found themselves a home. And these highly specialized organisms are an indispensable part of the great chain of life. They not only partner in symbiotic relationships with over ninety per cent of the world’s trees and flowering plant species, they also recycle and create humus, the fertile soil from which such flora receive their nutrition. Some fungi are parasites or saprotrophs; many are poisonous and, yes, hallucinogenic; others possess life-enhancing properties that can be tapped for pharmaceutical products; while a delicious few are particularly prized by epicureans and gourmets worldwide. In this lavishly illustrated volume, six hun­dred fungi from around the globe get their full due.
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